Rates for these drivers literally come at a premium, which in turn disappoints them badly. Having said that, it is very important for drivers to get insurance to protect themselves and their vehicles. Insurance is immensely useful, especially when your car is hit by an uninsured driver or damaged by inclement weather or fire. It is very possible to get cheap car insurance even as the competition among insurance companies continues to intensify.

Having a good credit rating is one of the best ways to lower insurance premium rates. Students, too, stand a chance of getting cheap car insurance by improving their grades. Those who get excellent grades may also be eligible for certain discounts. You also need to keep your driving record flawless in order to get cheap quotes. Make it a point not to get a speeding ticket or especially a DUI conviction. In this context, it might also be a good idea to enroll for advanced driving courses. Successful completion of such advanced courses would provide you with a platform to showcase your driving prowess and your commitment towards safe driving.
Another underrated method of obtaining cheap car insurance is to opt for older cars. While young drivers may not agree with this option, the fact is that the insurance premiums of brand new sports cars would be much higher than that of older cars. Parents can play a key role here by convincing their children not to be swayed by fancy cars and opt for older, but reliable models.
You can also browse the internet to seek car insurance quotes. There are an array of websites for this purpose. You can use such websites to improve your knowledge about the many different companies and their quotes. It is also important to ask plenty of questions and share your driving history when seeking quotes.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russell_Strider